Our “Love to Read” week and Book Fair was a big hit!  The students had a great time making their “wish list”, participating in the Love to Read Dress up days (Reading gives you SUPERPOWERS, wear a super hero t-shirt, read my shirt, wear a shirt that needs to be read, Cozy up with a good book, pajama day!), purchasing items from the book fair, and attending our Love to Read event on Thursday night!

Thank-you to everyone that was able to come out on Thursday night, we loved seeing you all and hope you had a great time!

If you did not get a chance to purchase anything from the book fair there is still time!  You and your student can come in on Mon., Feb 6th, 1-3pm, or on Tue., Feb 7th, 3-5 pm.  You can also purchase items online, BOOK FAIR ONLINE LINK, through Feb. 9th.

All purchases through the Book Fair benefit our school. Thanks for supporting our kids! Happy reading!