See what's happening in our Options Math Classes!

1st grade - Addition and Subtraction. Students are learning how to solve word problems, write equations, find the unknown numbers, and represent the problem with objects, drawings and equations.

2nd grade - Learning about Money.  Students in second grade are learning the value of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Students are relating the place value to coins and can show and write money amounts using tens and ones, identify the total value of a group of coins, and display with their coins the different ways to make a particular price point. For example; What coins can be used to show .15 cents?

3rd grade - Related Multiplication and Division. Students in the 3rd grade can use related multiplication and division equations to solve problems. Students are looking at and drawing Arrays, an arrangement of objects, pictures, or numbers in rows and columns, to solve math problems.1st grade - Addition and Subtraction. Students are learning how to solve word problems, write equations, find the unknown numbers, and represent the problem with objects, drawings and equations.

4th grade - Multiplication and Division - solving multi-step word problems. They are using equations to solve multi step problems, using standard algorithms to find the product of a multi-digit number, they are using visual models and equations to represent division problems and showing their thinking on paper.

5th grade - Prime Factorization.  Students in 5th grade are learning how to find prime factors of numbers by completing factor trees. Learning to find factors helps prepare the students to add and subtract fractions, which is our next unit.